Woodward Research Group @ the CNL
Latest News
PhD Studentship
In collaboration with colleagues within the Universities for Nottingham Centre for Doctoral Training in Resilient Chemistry (link) we are offering a PhD studentship to UK resident candidates in Non Thermal Plasma (NTP) Catalysis.
NTP is a unique state: simultaneously at room temperature and >1000 K it offers unique opportunities for low energy sustainable synthesis of organic and other compounds.
For further details contact: simon.woodward@nottingham.ac.uk directly [note due to its EPSRC funding mechanism international (non UK) students cannot be supported].

Synthesis and Discovery
We are a multi-disciplinary group - with a focus on catalysis, materials and understanding
Organic Chemistry
The facilities of the CNL and our group technical expertise centre on synthesis of all types of organic and metal-organic molecules
We use physical organic chemistry and machine learning in our research and collaborate extensively
We are attracted to new methods and approaches for solving materials, energy and biological problems